Occupational And Speech Therapy Services
Occupational Therapy (OT) helps children gain independence in their daily life while also strengthening the development of fine motor, sensory motor and visual motor skills that children need to function and socialize. Specialties include play-based therapy for Autism, ADHD, and other neuro-developmental differences. Our therapists are Certified Autism Specialists with specialties in DIR Floor time, Ocular motor vision therapy, SOS feeding, and Therapeutic Listening Program.

Pediatric Therapy
Sensory integration
Primitive reflex integration
Self-care management skills
Gross and Fine motor skills
Visual perceptual skills
Oculomotor skills
Written communication skills
Augmentative and Assistive Technology

Community Outreach Programs
Service Projects
Support Groups
Educational Events

Social Skills
Emotional Regulation
Motor Planning
School Readiness (Pre-K)
Executive Functioning
Additional Services
Caregiver Support Group
Join us for our support groups! Facilitated by guest speakers from the community. Check out our events tab for further information on upcoming support groups.
Virtual Caregiver Consult
Private pay 1:1 Virtual Caregiver Consult to collaborate and devise a home exercise/activity program for weekly to monthly feedback; provided for adults and children.
Teacher Workshops
1.5 hr Sensory Integration Includes: overview of sensory processing dysfunction, red flags to look for in the classroom, interactive hands-on sensory defensiveness and then modifications and recommendations to help within the classroom. The therapist will provide handout of activities, and red flag referral sheet.
1.5 hr Fine Motor-Includes: overview of developmental milestones, developmental sequencing of pre-handwriting strokes then hands on activities of various toolbox activities to promote forming shapes, UC/LC recognition and formation. Handout for red flags of fine motor delays and modifications that can be implemented in the classroom.